Take the time to visit Kidiwise Preschool & Childcare and you will find a private centre like no other with trees, grass, two acres of native bush track, a spa pool, resident pony, chickens and double the grounds, with regular weekly activities, a wide variety of resources and established degree qualified teachers to educate your child, mentally, physically and emotionally with age appropriate sensitivity.
Take the time to visit Kidiwise Preschool & Childcare and you will find an owner operated centre like no other with trees, grass, two acres of native bush track, animals and double the grounds, with a wide variety of resources and established degree qualified teachers to educate your child, mentally, physically and emotionally with age appropriate sensitivity.
contact usWe are open between 7.00am and 5.30pm, we provide wholesome lunches, morning and afternoon teas for the whole Centre and cloth nappies.
Kidiwise Preschool and Childcare has regular learning experiences, including bush walks, miniature pony rides, spa swims, science, bike rides and community excursions. Here is a centre like no other with trees, grass, two acres of native bush track and double the grounds, a spa pool to build water confidence, a wide variety of resources and established degree qualified teachers to educate your child, mentally, physically and emotionally with age appropriate sensitivity.
Take a look at our preschool in action. We have such a wide range of activities for your children to see and do. This video is just a snapshot of the fun instore for the children that attend Kidiwise.
Come and visit to see if Kidiwise suits your child - Text us on 0273658134 to arrange a suitable time!
We believe in ' learning through moving'. Your child will benefit from a pony for pony rides, animals, bikes, two acres of native bush for bush walks, a spa pool, regular excursions and large indoor and outdoor spaces
Kidiwise is an owner operated much loved Centre with four separate learning areas for age appropriate learning and socialisation, high teacher/child ratios, ready for school programme, real food meals and cloth nappies provided, sustainability conscious - 'We love our children',
Kidiwise now opens at 7am
Opening hours 7am to 5.30pm
Feel free to fill out the form below and we will get in touch as soon as we can. If you would prefer just give us a call and we can book a time for us to show you around. contact us
In our science discovery room we really try to get our children hooked on the wonders of science and experimentation.
Looking for adventure for your child? What child would like to be able to climb fallen logs, climb up and slide down a mud slide, swing on a rope swing and jump over the little creek - they can do all this and more at Kidiwise
We try to have as many things to stimulate your child's learning but there is always time for some fun along the way. It's a great way to gain water confidence and safety skills.